Load XY Data
First, we’re going to walk through how to load XY data into Tecplot RS. There are two ways of doing this. One way is to click on the Load XY Data icon in the tool bar. If you select Add and scroll through the selection menu, you will see all the file formats that are compatible with Tecplot RS.
In this example, I’m going to bring in a unified summary file from an Eclipse run. You can bring one or multiple datasets into Tecplot RS at the same time. There is no limit to how many datasets you can load – as many as your computer will allow.
To load multiple files, click Control A and Open. And press OK. The managed dataset dialog will appear. Here you could can which dataset you want to set as your active set.
Another way to load your XY data is to drag and drop directly from your folder into the Tecplot RS application window. Again, Control-click and drag the appropriate files into Tecplot RS.
Load Grid Data
You are also going to generally want to load in your Grid data. To load 3D data, click on the Load Grid icon at the top menu. The grid files that are compatible with Tecplot RS are in the file selection menu. For this example, I’m going to load an Eclipse Grid file. When you load the Grid file, Tecplot RS will automatically find any additional solution files and load them as well.
And that’s just a quick overview on how to load your data into Tecplot RS.