Enhancing Efficiency with PyTecplot: An aixprocess Success Story
aixprocess utilizes Tecplot 360 within CPFD Software’s Barracuda Virtual Reactor for post-processing of cement calciner CFD simulations. […]
aixprocess utilizes Tecplot 360 within CPFD Software’s Barracuda Virtual Reactor for post-processing of cement calciner CFD simulations. […]
New York Yacht Club American Magic “Patriot”: Aerodynamics Flow Visualization. American Magic uses Tecplot 360 to visualize the CFD solutions they produce within AcuSolve from Altair. Tecplot 360 is ideal for this task […]
FieldView helps resolve challenges in Energy applications with the fastest post-processing and interpretation capabilities. […]
To better understand the flow dynamics of liquid jet irrigation, Kiao Inthavong and his team at the CFD Research Group used Tecplot 360. They reconstructed a computational model of a human nasal cavity using CT scans of actual human patients from ENT clinicians. […]
It is crucial to generate high-quality images that unveil the detailed flow physics and noise sources surrounding rotor blades. FieldView is an essential tool to perform this task. […]
Researching innovative industrial processes through multiphysical modeling and simulation is the work of graduate students in Professor Tarek Zohdi’s Multiphysics Simulation and Optimization Lab (MSOL), part of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley. The lab has been using Tecplot 360 for 10+ years to visualize their multi-physics simulations. […]
Additive manufacturing (AM) has been permeating the industrial fabrication space for decades. Technologies that encompass AM are vast […]
Flight condition analyses reduced the postprocessing time by a factor of 12 relative to the baseline reduction methods. […]
Automotive success in today’s market is driven by fuel efficiency, passenger comfort, power, and reliability. […]
To achieve the goals of efficiency and performance, the CFD workflow has to be fast, agile, and robust, capable of handling huge volumes of data with ease and getting to vital insights and accurate answers fast. […]