Case Study: Unified Environment for Comparing and Validating Results from Multiple Reservoir Simulators

In a world as technically intricate as the oil and gas industry—when billions of dollars of revenue are on the line—reservoir engineers must be confident that they have predicted the behavior of complex systems with reasonable accuracy. Dr. Richard F. Strickland, president of The Strickland Group, is an expert in the field of reservoir behavior analysis. In his business, he is frequently asked to compare disparate reservoir simulation datasets of […]

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iReservoir Optimizes Oil and Gas Recovery Methods

The Challenge: Understanding Complex Subsurface Fluid Interactions Before optimization of recovery methods for sub-surface oil and gas reservoirs can be obtained, a thorough understanding of the reservoir is required. These reservoirs have many complex structural, geological, and fluid characteristics that are impossible to fully understand using actual measurements and physical testing. Static and dynamic computer-based models and an arsenal of high-tech, computational tools are required to simulate reservoir performance and […]

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Plot of the month: Palm Valley gas reservoir

Contributed by Larry Franks, Operation Manager, Reservoir Engineer Magellan Petroleum Australia Limited The Engineer Larry Franks works for Magellan Petroleum in Australia. He manages petroleum production operations and also does hands-on engineering for drilling and exploration operations. His job includes the design and drilling of the exploration wells, gas reserves analysis, facility design, and product sales. In short he performs a wide variety of jobs focused on the upstream petroleum […]

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