Perform Complex Mathematical Data Transformations Using IF() Statements
BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON—January 6, 2015—Tecplot, Inc. announced today that Tecplot 360 2015 Release 1 is now available for general use. Highlights of this release include:
- Conditional expressions in equations using IF() statements.
- Triangulation and advanced streamtrace seeding (by customer request).
- Arbitrary slice improvements to adjust the orientation of arbitrary slices.
- Improved options for appending data, drag-and-drop, and file dialog performance, especially on networks.
This short video demonstrates writing conditional expressions using the IF() function. Product manager, Durrell Rittenberg explains, “This video uses a 2D wind turbine and one time step, but it would apply to any data you might process in Tecplot 360.”
More information can be found on the Tecplot 360 product page. Free trial software is available when you sign up for a Tecplot website account.
About Tecplot®, Inc.
Tecplot®, Inc. creates CFD post-processing software that allows engineers and scientists to discover, analyze, and understand information in complex data and to effectively communicate the results. Founded in 1981 and based in Bellevue, Wash., the company launched Tecplot®, its first software product for the scientific visualization market in 1988. Since then, Tecplot®, Inc. has been applying and influencing the latest advances in visualization technologies and plotting capabilities. With thousands of users worldwide, Tecplot has become a trusted name in data visualization.
Press Release
Contact: Margaret Connelly