This video will show you how to view images, perform deep dives, and complete round trips in Tecplot Chorus 2016 R1 to better visualize your data from a grand perspective.
On the left we have our Table View, and on the right we have a Matrix View of the Images associated with our data. Selecting a specific case in the Table View will highlight the corresponding image in Matrix View, and vice versa.
The Matrix View we are using currently is rowed and columned by Mach and Alpha, respectively, which are the variables that define the experimental design space.
To see other images already created for our current cases we can select existing Tags, which are names associated with the images. We can also view multiple Tags at a time, and row or column our Matrix View by Tag to compare different images of our data at each iteration (Case) to visualize our data from a grand perspective.
If we want to take a closer look at our data at a specific case or modify the style of the plot used for the Images, we can right-click, select View Data… and open the data set with the corresponding Style Template in Tecplot 360, which we refer to as a Deep Dive.
Once Tecplot 360 is opened we can make any desired changes to our plot. Once satisfied with our changes, we can then save over our existing Style Template, or create a new one. Once saved, we can close Tecplot 360 and go back to Tecplot Chorus.
To complete a Round Trip, we now want to generate a new Tag (Collection of Images) for all of our Cases using the Style Template we just saved. In Table View, select all Cases using Ctrl-A. Then right-click and select Create Images… Select the new Style Template and define a Tag name. By default the name of this new tag will be a combination of the Data Source and Style Template names. Select OK. This will run Tecplot 360 in batch mode to generate new Images for the selected Cases using the provided Style Template. You can monitor the progress of the image creation in the bottom right (Manage Jobs). The appearance of the Green Dot signals that the Job has completed. Once all Jobs have been completed, click Manage Jobs and Deposit this Job.
Back in Matrix View, we can now select our new Tag. We can see how the streamtraces that we created for our plot in Tecplot 360 change with Alpha. To further analyze the subtler differences from image to image, we can create comparison images by selecting View Images, choosing one of the images as a baseline, and clicking Diff From Current. This resulting view shows a pixel by pixel difference between the images selected to highlight the areas of contrast between the images.
Thanks for watching!