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Quick Macro Panel Streamlines Repetitive Operations

Using the software for data analysis often requires algorithms with many repeated operations, and in some cases many different operations. Tecplot engineers have created a macro language to streamline these operations. Macros are recordable, easy to edit, and don’t require any development experience.

Quick Macro Panel

Some commonly used complex and repetitive algorithms (within the aerospace community) have been incorporated into a dynamic Tecplot 360 interface called the Quick Macro Panel (QMP). The QMP, available under Tecplot 360’s “Scripting…” main menu, offers single-click initiation of a macro sequence. By utilizing the QMP, the user interface becomes more robust for the analysis of solution quality and the development of animation.

Tecplot Quick Macro Panel Menu

Tecplot’s Quick Macro Panel (QMP), available under the main menu, offers single-click initiation of a macro sequence.

Tecplot XY Animation Macro Suite

Steve Alter, a long-time Tecplot customer, made this blog possible by sharing his Tecplot XY animation macro suite. The macro coding and the algorithms show what is possible within the Tecplot 360 macro framework. You can view his document below. It describes the operation and applicability of a QMP suite of macros.

View the PDF

A Quick Macro Panel Suite to Augment the X-Y Line Mapping Interface of Tecplot.
Contact information: Stephen J. Alter, Williamsburg, VA, altertalk at cox.net. Steve adds that he uses code developed by Bill Wood (William.A.Wood at NASA.Gov) that enables literate programming.

Thank you, Steve!