Release 1 of Tecplot Chorus 2016 Now Available

Software helps engineers and scientists analyze design-space simulation data and better understand the underlying physics BELLEVUE, Wash. (February 8, 2016) – Tecplot, Inc., developer of the leading CFD visualization and analysis software for engineers and scientists, today announced the general availability of Tecplot Chorus 2016 Release 1, a design-space simulation data analysis product that incorporates Tecplot 360. The most notable new features in this release include the ability to accelerate […]

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Employee Profile: Alan Klug, Strategic Account Manager

Technical Knowledge and a Clear Vision Restoring vintage cars is not for the faint-of-heart. It takes technical knowledge coupled with a clear vision of the desired outcome, a dedicated budget, and a good dose of patience. It’s no surprise then that when Tecplot was seeking to fill the newly created role of Strategic Account Manager – a role that would blend advanced technical ability with the demeanor of a customer-focused […]

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Tecplot Launches New Version of Tecplot 360 at SciTech 2016

New release of leading CFD post-processing software focused on strengthening existing capabilities SAN DIEGO (Jan. 5, 2016) – Tecplot, Inc., developer of the leading data visualization and analysis software for engineers and scientists, today announced at AIAA SciTech 2016 the general availability of Tecplot 360 2016 Release 1. SciTech is the flagship research and technology conference & exhibition of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). As the world’s largest […]

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Tecplot Releases New Version of Reservoir-Simulation Visualization and Analysis Software

Improved plotting capabilities highlight latest release of Tecplot RS BELLEVUE, Wash. (December 31, 2015) – Tecplot, Inc., developer of the leading visualization and analysis software for reservoir engineers, today announced the general availability of Tecplot RS 2015 Release 2. The highlight of this release is the software’s enhanced plotting and analysis capabilities. Specifically, Tecplot RS now features: Weighted KSum and KAvg By including a user-selected weighting variable, the KSum operator […]

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The One Trillion Cell Challenge is Successfully Complete!

Trillion Cell Grand Challenge blog #8 was written by Dr. Scott Imlay, Chief Technical Officer. Craig Mackey, Senior Research Engineer, created the iso-surface. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that […]

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Employee Profile: Dave Taflin, Principal Software Development Engineer

Dave Taflin likes to dot his I’s and cross his T’s. He insists on lining his ducks up in a row. He believes there’s a place for everything and that everything has its place. Do you see a pattern here? Dave is a very organized guy, which is a good thing considering he’s Tecplot’s principal software development engineer, a position that requires organization, discipline and time-management. Organization and Time-management are […]

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Hopelink is Big Winner of Tecplot’s Community Service Initiative

Our company has a long tradition of community service and social responsibility. We seek to positively impact the communities in which we live and work. Led by Mike and Don, our management team actively encourages all employees to get involved either through participation or financial contribution. A guiding principle of our community service efforts is the belief that employees can have fun as a team while helping those in need. […]

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Q & A with Tecplot Co-Founder Don Roberts

To coincide with this month’s release of Tecplot RS 2015 Release 1, we thought it would be beneficial to our readers to discuss the new version with Tecplot co-founder Don Roberts. As many of you know, Don co-founded Tecplot Inc. (which was originally called Amtec Engineering) with Chairman Mike Peery in 1981. Both former Boeing engineers, Don and Mike have been at the helm of our privately held company since […]

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New Release of Tecplot RS Now Available

Latest version of company’s tool for visualizing and analyzing oil & gas reservoir simulation data features user-requested upgrades and productivity enhancements BELLEVUE, Wash. (September 10, 2015) – Tecplot, Inc., developer of the leading visualization and analysis software for reservoir engineers, today announced the general availability of Tecplot RS 2015 Release 1. The most notable user-requested upgrades and productivity enhancements in this release of Tecplot RS include: Bubble Plot Enhancements The […]

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