Sharing Data in Tecplot Files

Data Sharing in Tecplot Files

“Sharing is good, and with digital technology, sharing is easy.” –Richard Stallman. Tecplot divides datasets into zones. These zones may represent different areas of the physical domain, the same physical domain at different time steps, or different results that you may wish to compare. The zones may also have different dimensionality; for example there may be a mixture of 3D volume zones that contain field variables and 2D surface zones […]

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Tecplot for COMSOL Users

3 Reasons To Post Process COMSOL® Results in Tecplot

Having a reliable, accurate, flexible and easy-to-use method to post process your results is key to effectively analyzing CFD, other simulation and test data results. Tecplot 360 is a suite of CFD visualization and analysis tools that can handle large data sets, automate workflows and visualize parametric results. Load Simulation And Test Data From Many Different Sources If you aggregate data from multiple simulation sources, in addition to test data, […]

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Tecplot at AIAA SciTech 2018

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Conference AIAA SciTech 2018 Join Tecplot at AIAA SciTech at the Gaylord Palms in Kissimmee, Florida, January 8-12. Tecplot engineers will be on hand to answer your questions and give you a 1-on-1 demo of the recently released Tecplot 360 2017 R3. The benefits of this release include support for LaTeX fonts, VTK data loader support for VTU and VTM file formats, recording […]

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Porsche 956

New Ways to Visualize Increasingly Complex and Unsteady Data

We are excited to take part in an industry that never rests and is never satisfied. Our engineers are eager to bring new ways to visualize increasingly complex and unsteady data, and provide new analysis features, while maintaining the Tecplot promises of giving engineers complete control over their output, fast post-processing speed, report-quality XY, 2D and 3D plots, and excellent stability, service and support. […]

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Using the Loci-Chem Extract Utility to Create a Tecplot SZL File

By Tecplot’s Chief Technical Officer, Scott Imlay, PhD “In mathematics you don’t understand things. You just get used to them.” — Johann von Neumann I’ve written several blogs on Tecplot’s new SZL technology and how it speeds up the visualization of large CFD data sets by loading only those subzones (small chunks of data) that are needed for the desired visualization. We’ve demonstrated dramatic speed-ups for large data sets. For […]

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Working with Unsteady Results

Today’s low-cost computational resources have fundamentally changed the way we approach modern technical challenges. In the world of CFD, one of the most dramatic changes has been the increasing use of unsteady (transient) simulations, which allows engineers and scientists to study moving machinery and turbulence flows more effectively. This article is designed to show you how to work more easily with unsteady results using the improved quantitative capabilities in the […]

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WaterCube: Understanding What’s Happening in Your River Reach

What Is WaterCube? WaterCube and Tecplot have joined forces to create a Water Resource Management Solution that helps scientists and researchers acquire, process and understand complex river-system data. We want to share this first-of-its-kind solution with you! “Understanding What’s Happening in Your River Reach” will introduce you to a unique data visualization solution that takes the power of big data and makes it usable on a mass scale, allowing you […]

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Printed Plots That Scream "WOW"

Here are 10 tips for creating publication quality plots that make an impact. The Tecplot 360 User’s Manual has chapters on all of the topics discussed below and can be found in our documentation. Explore the Plot Gallery with hundreds of plot examples. Learn the best way to share your results with key players. Choosing the right output formats, color and layout help you present your results more effectively in […]

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Converting Your Data Files to Tecplot Subzone Loadable Format

As the years go by, more and more engineers and scientists are working with files containing hundreds of millions of cells, with billions on the horizon. Tecplot 360 introduced a new data file format called SZL or subzone loadable (filename extension .szplt) to address the needs of customers who are visualizing large data files, improving interactive performance, and simultaneously reducing memory requirements. When faced with the task of making large […]

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Quick Macro Panel Streamlines Repetitive Operations

Using the software for data analysis often requires algorithms with many repeated operations, and in some cases many different operations. Tecplot engineers have created a macro language to streamline these operations. Macros are recordable, easy to edit, and don’t require any development experience. Quick Macro Panel Some commonly used complex and repetitive algorithms (within the aerospace community) have been incorporated into a dynamic Tecplot 360 interface called the Quick Macro […]

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