5 Reasons to Add Tecplot Output to Your Solver
Offering Tecplot’s file format export for your solver is free and incredibly easy to do with Tecplot’s TecIO Library. […]
Offering Tecplot’s file format export for your solver is free and incredibly easy to do with Tecplot’s TecIO Library. […]
In this webinar, you’ll learn the basics of the Tecplot TecIO library and how the FEMixed zone type can be used to export data up to 65% smaller than the equivalent Tecplot PLT file. […]
In this webinar you’ll learn what’s new in Tecplot 360 2022 R1 as well as important platform and Python version support changes. We will also introduce our Higher-Order Element Technology Preview, which is available as a separate download. […]
This webinar explains our TecIO Library – what it is, when to use it, and why you should. You’ll find links to online resources and plenty of example code. […]
This 30-minute webinar provides a method for getting Tecplot files into MATLAB® and for writing Tecplot files from MATLAB®. […]
The Webinar will briefly cover what’s new in TecIO 2017. The remainder of the session will be spent answering your questions. The TecIO Library allows you to quickly and easily read and write Tecplot binary files directly from your application. Customers have coded up applications 10 times faster using TecIO-MPI, which handles the complexity of MPIIO for you. […]
This video Demonstrates the use of the Preplot and SZL convert tools to prepare your data for use in Tecplot 360. […]
Dr. Robert Baurle, NASA Research Scientist, discusses his experience implementing the TecIO-MPI library in the VULCAN code. […]
This video describes the differences between Tecplot native file types: DAT, PLT and SZPLT, and when using each type is the most beneficial. […]
This short video shows you 3 ways to create SZL data files. […]